Delivery and Service – Customer feedback

Mark Williams, Spain

I just recently arrived home from a long road trip and found that my order was here safe and secure, right on schedule, with a 4 pill ‘bonus’!! A little note ensued thanking me for my order and I just wanted to say thank you for your generosity and professionalism. I was a bit wary of ordering from an online pharmacy, especially overseas….but I came to be extremely happy with the service and the product. My sex life is back!!! I will absolutely place any and all future orders through your site. Best Regards.

Evan, USA

thank you, I received my pills within one week of ordering them, cheers for the extra 4 you threw in as a bonus, and yes they worked great, cheers again…..

Luke, Spain

Great communication updated with emails took 7 days to deliver which was fine. Feel sorry for customers that goods haven’t turned up.

Lisa Sieling, Georgia

Nathan, United Kingdom

Thank you for always giving me such a good price and bonus pills. I love your products and company, and if you need a recommendation for your website, please let me know.

Thank you very much.

Jack Mason, Florida 

Thanks for your prompt help again – and for the alternative payment proposal via PAY PAL
Thanks again in advance

Have a good day and take care

Patricia Guillot, France 

The package arrived on Thursday I picked it up the next day and I am happy to report the order was complete.

Thank you for the extra effort.

Owen, United Kingdom

I received both packets a few weeks ago and I am very pleased with the service. Thank you for the extra 4 samples. When dealing with people so far away, and through the internet, I sometimes wonder if I will even receive anything for my money. I would not hesitate to use your services again or to recommend you to friends

Julian, Sweden

I have received Cialis. It came just as you said it would. I’m very pleased with the delivery. I have not tried the product yet but will soon. If it is as good as your delivery I will be most happy and you will have a customer for a very long time

Robert, United Kingdom

I have been very very satisfied with your service and products – indeed, they have saved my relationship, after serious post-traumatic disorder after long periods of serving in the wars in Bosnia, Afghanistan, and Iraq. It was perfect as expected and faster than I thought. I received my order and it was much more discrete than getting it by certified mail. You have the best system

Jack, Italy

Well, I must apologize – I thought surely you were scamming me. But, all of a sudden, my mailbox overflows. I received one order on Thursday, 8 June, and then another on Saturday, 10 June. Almost 1 month from our first effort, but the postal service must be the culprit. With this double supply, you are now going to have to send me a couple of women, so the meds don’t go to waste. How can we make this right? What would you like me to do? Thanks. I hope only good karma comes to you.